Lit Quiz


Come and join the fun by completing our quiz on the contemporary UK literature exhibition for your chance to win English books to enjoy and practise your English. Browse the collection and answer our questions and find the letters to make one word. Consult the exhibition bibliography clues.


1.    Which book has a fictional character of Hungarian origin called Sándor?
First letter of author’s surname
2.    Which legendary publishing house is famous for its former editor, T. S. Eliot? There are five titles displayed in the exhibition by this publisher.
2nd letter of name of publishing house
3.    Man Booker Prize, Orange Prize, T. S. Eliot Prize, Turner Prize – which is the odd one out?
First letter of odd one out
4.    The story of which book is set in Trinidad?
Last letter of title
5.    This author was born in 1948. The Times named him among their list of “the 50 greatest British writers since 1945”. His books in the exhibition include Atonement, Amsterdam and Enduring Love. His latest book, is displayed in the exhibition.
4th letter of surname of author
6.    In which book do we read about Thomas Cromwell?
2nd letter of author’s surname
7.    Find the book with the shortest title with the fewest letters. Who is the author?
8th letter of author’s surname
8.    Which book features the author of the popular Sherlock Holmes stories?
5th letter of title
9.    This author was born in London to a Pakistani father and an English mother and was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) for his literary achievements. His latest novel displayed in the exhibition was published in 2009.
First letter of surname

Do you now the solution? We highly recommend you find out more: it is a very useful and inspiring place!
For more fun activities to help you learn English visit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Secret word:


Enter the competition by filling in the section below and hand it over at the Foreign Language Section of the library, or alternatively, send the secret word to by31 January 2012. The lucky winner will be picked from a hat.

Name: ....................................................................................................................................................
E-mail address:.......................................................................................................................
